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The Health Benefits of Having Pets

Updated on June 26, 2012

It was yet another tough day at work. As you open your front door, your Pomeranian runs toward you, expecting playtime. How on earth would you be able to rest when you're still obliged to do your evening routine of playing with your puppy? For a split second, you want to just kick the creature away, but just by looking at his soft face, you realize that you don't really care about your tough day at the office. Your little furry friend seems to be absorbing all your neative thoughts.

Several studies have shown that having a pet could contribute to your physical, medical and psychological wellness. Pets can help you relax and focus your attention away from your problems and worries. Watching fish in an acquarium can be very soothing. Owners of dogs and cats can find themselves absentmindedly petting them, which is relaxing for both the pet owner and the pet.

So if you're having second thoughts about getting a pet, the following inforamtion might help you decide.

Decrease Blood Pressure and Reduce Stress

Dogs have been shown to reduce blood pressure in a number of populations. Studies in women undergoing stress tests, have demonstarated the presense of a dog had more affect on lowering blood pressure than the presense of friends. Stockbrokers who had dogs or cats in their offices when they had to carry out stressful tasks had smaller increases in blood pressure than those who did not have a pet present.

What does your dog make you feel?

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Increase Physical Activity and Functioning

Owning a dog means getting physical as dogs basically enjoy running or moving around. People who own pets often have better physical health due to the need to exercise and care for their pets. Physically, it benfits you as it helps you remain more active. You may not only get more exercise from walking a dog, but you also increase our activity through feeding, grooming and otherwise caring for our pet.

Predict Seizures

Some persons who have periodic seizures have reported that their dogs can sense the onset of a seizure beore they can. Nowadays, there are dogs that are specially labeled as 'seizure-alert' or 'seizure-response' dogs. These are dogs that are specially trained to recognize some type of change 15-45 munutes prior to a seizure, so they can signal the owner. This gives the owner sufficient time to prepare.

Feel Less Lonely and Have something to Care For

Pets can help ease the sense of loneliness or isolation we feel. In evidently the presence of being with someone even with just a pet helps a lot in coping with loneliness. Pets also give you the feeling of being needed, which we all unconsciously long for. Many elderly citizens or persons living alone will tell you that their pet gives them a reason for living.

Be Less Anxious and Feel Safer

Pet owners tend to feel less afraid of being a victim of crime when walking with a dog or having a dog in the home. Knowing that having someone who has a more sharp senses makes you fell more secure.


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